Resources / Frequently Asked Questions


Where’s My Refund?


The best resource for this information is found by going directly to this page on the IRS website.

Important Dates

Please review this listing for the due dates that are of importance to you or your organization.

January 15th
Fourth quarter estimated tax payments for individual taxpayers.

January 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for all types of filers.

January 31st
Fourth quarter payroll tax returns, annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return (Form 940), annual Form W-3/W-2 statements, and annual Form 1096/1099-MISC statements.

February 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly filers.

March 15th
Calendar year partnership and S corporation returns (Forms 1065 and 1120S).

March 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly filers.

March 31st
Annual staffing and compensation report due for Texas nursing facilities participating in the enhancement program.

April 1st
Texas central appraisal districts personal property rendition for businesses.

April 15th
Calendar year individual, trust and estate, and C corporation returns (Forms 1040, 1041, and 1120). First quarter estimated tax payments for individuals and calendar year corporations.

April 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly and quarterly filers.

April 30th
First quarter payroll tax returns.Texas Medicaid Cost Reports for nursing facilities.

May 15th
Texas Franchise/Margin tax returns for all applicable taxpayers. Return of organization exempt from income tax (Form 990) for calendar year nonprofit entities.

May 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly filers.

May 31st
Medicare cost reports for nursing facilities.

June 15th
Second quarter estimated tax payments for individuals and calendar year corporations.

June 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly filers.

July 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly and quarterly filers.

July 31st
Second quarter payroll tax returns.

August 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly filers.

September 15th
Extension deadline for S corporation and partnership returns (Forms 1120S and 1065). Third quarter estimated tax payments for individuals and calendar year corporations.

September 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly filers.

September 30th
Extension deadline for calendar year trust and estate returns (Form 1041).

October 15th
Extension deadline for calendar year individual returns (Form 1040) and calendar year C corporation (Form 1120).

October 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly and quarterly filers.

October 31st
Third quarter payroll tax returns.

November 15th
Extension deadline for calendar year nonprofit Exempt Organizations (Form 990).

November 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly filers.

December 15th
Fourth quarter estimated tax payments for calendar year corporations.

December 20th
Texas Sales and Use Tax Returns for monthly filers.